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Wild, Ghost in a Bottle Caught

Wild, Ghost in a Bottle Caught

Situbondo - Residents of the Village Mimbaan, RT 02 Rw 12, Kecamatan Panji, Situbondo, dihebohkan with arrest figure is believed to be spirits. Hebohnya again, this creature and can be seen with the naked eye.

Creature believed to be a ghost haunts the house was caught in Agus, a local resident, on Sunday (28/11/2010) early this morning. Not easy to catch, it is said Agus deliberately bring the paranormal to be able to catch the ghost.

Now the figure of supernatural beings was put in clear bottles, the size of the ghost is very small and at a glance just looks like a half-body photos, the color is white and can be caught on camera waonenews.com.

Paranormal-called ghost caught it explained

Paranormal-called ghost caught it explained, if capture the creature to do with how to conduct rituals. "It can see the ghost," said the reluctant psychic who had identified himself.

It took four hours to get these spirits. Smart people also revealed if the ghost is lodged in Agus garage beside the house, and was in the hole.

Agus expose, arrest the ghost begins with a description Rangga (24), his son. Rangga explained to his father if he if often troubled spirits. "Yes, sometimes I crushed bedtime, sometimes strange noises," said waonenews.com Rangga when met at his home.

Agus somehow came to believe the talk of his son, until finally he took the initiative to search for the paranormal to get rid of these ghosts. "At first I did not believe it, do not ever bother me wong kok, but in fact the ghost was captured," said Agus.

The man claimed to have just two months of occupying the house

The man claimed to have just two months of occupying the house. During that time he did not feel strange at home. "Yes because it often can report from my son, then I am really worried and wanted to prove greeting my son," she said. Agus feel relieved now because his home is believed to have been free from evil spirits.

Editor by Wawan Hermanto

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